
A family reaches out to touch a large sea star held by an aquarist
Image attribution
Tracie Spence Photography

Discover the exciting learning opportunities offered by the California Science Center! Explore our selection of classes, demonstrations, virtual programs, field trips, professional development, and more. Whether you are an adult or a child, participating alone or with a group, you will surely open your mind, stimulate your curiosity, and have FUN!

For High School Youth

Community Teen Interns

Educator in front of Kelp Forest presenting to audience of children
For K-8th Grade Groups

Big Lab Field Trips

Big Lab with people participating in a variety of science activities
Enhance Classroom Learning

Virtual Field Trips

Virtual classroom grid of students and instructors participating in virtual field trip
Feeling stuck?

Explore at Home

Stuck at Home Science logo with boy participating in hands-on science activity
For Middle School Youth

Young Curators

Middle school youth in group
Image attribution
Leroy Hamilton
Learning and resources for teachers and educators

Professional Development

Teachers participating in hands-on activity in the Wallis Annenberg Building.
Explore With Us!

Summer Science Camp

Hands-On Science Camp logo alongside images of campers participating in hands-on activities

Education Programs Year in Review

View the Fiscal Year 2023 report.